
International Trade of Bio-Energy Products - Economic Potentials for Austria (TRIOPOL)
International Trade of Bio-Energy Products - Economic Potentials for Austria (TRIOPOL)
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beteiligte Personen/Organisationen

Auftraggeber1Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft, Familie und Jugend (bis 28.2.2014)
Auftragnehmer1Wegener Zentrum für Klima und globalen Wandel, Universität Graz

zugeordnete Wissenschaftszweige

Umweltingenieurwesen, Angewandte Geowiss
Erneuerbare Energie (auch: Energieträger

Abstract englisch

TRIOPOL studies the role of domestic bioenergy potentials for agriculture, the wider economy and international trade for Austria. In particular, agricultural biomass pro-duction can contribute to significant shares of energy provision in Austria. A detailed scenario is developed to explore the opportunities and challenges of enhanced domestic biomass production based on short rotation forestry (SRF) for heat supply which is currently among the most competitive technologies. To that end, TRIOPOL establishes a model linkage between a sectoral supply-model for Austrian agriculture and a national small open economy general equilibrium model. Model results show that a biomass premium of 65 ¿ per ton dry matter is required to support 250,000 ha of SRF on cropland in Austria by 2020. The thus provided bioheat covers some 33 petajoule (PJ) heat energy demand in Austria; taking into account the likely rising of energy prices by 2020, this number rises to 47 PJ. Substantial land use changes may also be compensated by increases in land use intensity and as well as changes in imports and exports. Scenario results suggest that domestic food production of non-meat commodities falls by 1.3%. The sector meat products profits from the high competitiveness of Austrian livestock production and responds by a slight increase in net exports. The results of the quantitative analysis shall support the scientific and political debate on securing food and energy supply as well as economic development goals.